Load packages

If you are using the package for the first time, you will first have to install it.

# install.packages("survival") 
# install.packages("openxlsx") 

If you have already downloaded this package in the current version of R, you will only have to load the package.

## Warning: package 'survival' was built under R version 4.0.4
## Warning: package 'openxlsx' was built under R version 4.0.3

Get the data

Load a data set from a package.
You can use the double colon symbol (:), to return the pbc object from the package survival. We store this data set to an object with the name pbc.

pbc <- survival::pbc

List all your R objects

## [1] "pbc"

Save your work

Take care: first you need to set your working directory (Rstudio: Session -> Set Working Directory -> Choose Directory…). Otherwise you do not know where your R workspace is saved.
You can also use the function setwd(...) to set the working directory

## [1] "Z:/Courses/Biostatistical Methods/Demos"
dt <- pbc[1:6, c("id", "sex", "bili", "chol")]
p <- 1

#save(dt, p, file = "data.RData")
#saveRDS(dt, file = "data1.RData")

Load previous work


Transform a RData data set into xls, csv or text format

#write.csv(dt, "mydata.csv")
#write.table(dt, "mydata.txt", sep="\t")
#write.xlsx(dt, "mydata.xlsx")